2016 is over. Phew! That was an interesting year to say the least...
So for 2017...
Start everyday with God. Even a whisper of acknowledgement in your heart for seeing a new day is much better than going straight to Facebook, IG, Farmville, etc. Imagine how much easier it'll be to go to Him when things get rough if you already talk to Him everyday.
Love yourself ...
You can't give love if you don't have love to give. You have to be selfish when it comes to self love. That way, you can truly share that love with the people around you.
Forgive. A lot ...
I didn't realize I had issues with forgiveness and letting go till recently and I'm grateful for the events that occurred for me to come to this realization because now I can truly work on it.
People will mess up and do hurtful things and fail you quite often... In your rebuke, learn forgiveness. Imagine if God had a forgiveness quota for us. We for don cast since! But really, forgive over and over again. It's not just good for them, it's good for you too. Plus if forgiveness comes easy to you, you'll live a simpler and a happier life.
Keep a journal...
I was truly shocked by the general consensus that 2016 was a disaster. I mean, almost everyone I came across felt the same way. It got me thinking about my year.
A lot of good things happened for me in 2016. The end was a little trying but that cannot take away from 8 months of pure joy and God's lavish blessings on my life.
Most people forget the little victories/blessings and focus on the one bad thing cause it's more prominent or recent.
Write stuff down. If you keep a daily or even a weekly journal, you can keep track of the good things that happen in your life and remember to be thankful for them.
What is life without mistakes and *uck ups? Life is full of lessons if only we can allow ourselves learn from our mistakes. There's no point beating yourself up about something you've done or didn't do. Get back on your feet and do better next time. Start over, give yourself another chance and do it as often as you need to. We can only evolve and become better versions of ourselves if we are humble enough to learn from our own mistakes.
Some people just live year to year and don't experience any kind of personal growth or development. We live in an internet age so there is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored.
Learn a new course, coursera has free and inexpensive courses on a lot of topics. Go and broaden your mind. Read books about history, children, law, finance, religion, gender etc.
Apply for those jobs. Send in 3 applications a day, register with that recruitment agency, become more accountable to yourself.
In the end, we will look back and smile.
Happy New Year.
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